Friday, January 8, 2010

08012010 - 13

T017 - B$24
Boy's Casual Wear T-shirt & Short Pants
男宝套装 深灰色运动休闲上衣+深蓝色裤子
Size: 90, 100, 110, 120, 130
Colour: Dark Grey Shirt & Blue Pants

T016 - B$19
Girl's Casual Dress
0女宝儿上衣裙 灰色运动休闲款 紫色小花边
Size: 90, 100, 110, 130
Colour: Grey Shirt & Purple skirt

T020 - B$24
Girl's Suit - Yellow Short Sleeves T-shirt with Short Pants
女宝宝套装 黄短袖上衣 背带短裤
Size: 90, 100, 110

T003 - B$32
Girl's Suit - Girl's T-shirt + Short Pants + Legging
女宝套装 长袖绒上衣+绒短裤+打底裤
Size: 90, 100, 110, 120, 130
Colour: Orange, Light Green, Pink, Blue

K066 - B$12
Girl's Long Pants with Apple Picture
儿童打底裤 可爱的苹果裤
Size: 90, 100, 110, 120
Colour: White, Blue, Pink

K063 - B$9
Kid's Dotted Long Skinning Pants
童装 儿童糖果打底裤 点点靴裤
Colour: Purple, Light Pink, Light Blue, Red
Size: 90, 100, 110, 120
Colour: Coffee - Size: 110

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